Our Journey!

Discover the story of SilveRace and the meaning behind the name and logo!

Why ‘SilveRace’?

SILVE-’ is a tribute to our school, Liceo Filippo Silvestri, but at the same time it recalls the word ‘silver’, a symbol of excellence and ambitious goals.
‘-RACE’ directly references the heart and heat of Formula 1. It highlights the passion and speed that defines our team

Our logo

To honor our hometown, Naples, we decided to style one of its most iconic symbols such as the Vesuvius and recall the blue of the sea in
the name below.
The design in red symbolizes the silhouette of a F1 car, inspired by the logo of Michael Schumacher, to honor his legacy and importance in the history of Motorsport

‘Live fast, race in silver’

Our motto encapsulates both the fast-paced nature of racing and the precision required to succeed. 
“Live fast” suggests a mindset of embracing speed, taking risks, and living life without hesitation, which aligns perfectly with the thrill of motorsport and the energy of the F1 in Schools competition.
“Race in silver” highlights the team’s identity, positioning silver as more than just a color—it becomes a symbol of quality, excellence, and distinction. Silver often signifies something high-tech, sleek, and futuristic, enhancing the idea of standing out and being at the forefront of innovation.